The Formula
The Formula is a simple 5 step system to creating the reality you want for yourself.
It is not magic, nor is it “the Secret”. It is a system that focuses you on actions that
will lead you where you want to go. Based on the teachings of Wallace D Wattles,
Florence Scovel Schinn, and Buddha, “The Formula” is a method for focusing the
mind, creating actions, and leveraging intuition. Students who have taken this
program have experienced phenomenal results. What are the chances of someone
who can barely write in English – writing a best selling book? How about someone
who has no idea what they want to do with their life – suddenly rising to the top of
their field in a job they always dreamed of having? If you are willing to do the work –
you will get the experience you seek. Graduates of Vertical Living usually move on to
taking this course.
Course length: 8 sessions
Course info: Contact TCS